Rules and Restrictions
Friendfield Marina Association is covered by the use of 911.
Dial 911 for fire, police, or medical emergencies
Harmony is a closed head harbor:
No pumping out oil, flammables, or oil bilges. Dumping treated or untreated human or animal waste is not permitted. All holding tanks and overboard discharges are to be closed. Federal law provides fines up to $50,000 and imprisonment for violations. We have toilet facilities, and portable pump out services are available to any equity member. Boat owner agrees FMA may inspect heads and or bilges of owner’s boat upon notice.
Laundry facilities are not provided at Marina. Members and guests of the marina are not allowed to hang any type of towel, sheets, or clothing out to dry on their vessel.
Dumpsters are provided for disposal of trash brought into the marina. Garbage and other perishable items shall be placed in plastic bags secured at the top and put in trash dumpsters. Absolutely no fish, fish parts, or bait of any kind should be put into trash cans. If Dumpsters are full, all trash and other disposable items are to be carried to your nearest trash or recycling center on Aviation blvd. Georgetown, SC. Turn left out of subdivision onto Pennyroyal Rd, cross US 17 and the convenience center is on your right. No trash or empty boxes of any kind shall be left on the dock. Tossing garbage into the harbor is not only unsanitary and unsightly but unlawful and punishable by a $100 fine by Friendship Marina Association (hereinafter referred to as FMA) and up to $50,000 by the federal government.
Children shall not be allowed to run and play on the dock ways. All children fewer than 13 years of age must wear an approved flotation device or approved life jacket while on docks and or around docks. All docks, ramps, and finger docks shall be kept clean and clear of all equipment, dinghies, or other items with the exception of approved lockboxes, steps, and lines in use with boats. Dock Boxes should be white fiberglass with flat lids that close and can be secured and should not impede into walkways. Dock boxes shall be secured to dock only following FMA approval. No hazardous material such as fuel, batteries, cleaning solvents, or similar items shall be left on any dock walkway or finger pier. FMA receives random inspections from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. If the association receives a fine from SC DHEC, said fine will be levied against and paid by the violator. Boat steps should be approved for marine use and must be approved by FMA before being used. Any boating steps weighing 30 pounds or more must be born by the vessel. Said steps must not infringe on the right of way or passage of any person on dock or finger pier. Absolutely no grilling or open flames allowed on any part of docks, walkways, or finger docks. Only propane grills designed for and attached to vessels can be used for grilling. No Charcoal grills, gas cookers, fryers, or other cooking devices are permitted on docks or on vessels. A charcoal grill is provided for use in the Marina common area near the lockers. No crab traps are permitted to be left on docks. No swimming from the docks. No boats, with the exception of dinghies, shall be fueled at the birthing facility or the adjacent areas thereof. Only exception would be an emergency authorized by the FMA. Shore power cords must not be longer than 100ft and must be approved marine shore power cords. Plugging two or more shore power cords together is strictly prohibited. Cords should not be a tripping hazard.
Fishing from Docks
Owners and their guests may fish from the entry pier and docks providing they have all South Carolina State licensing and are abiding with all SCDNR rules and regulations. Anyone fishing is 100% responsible for any damage or injury caused to any vessel, property, or person.
Portable generators are not allowed to sit directly on any dock, walkway, or finger pier. All generators must have a FMA approved fire resistant metal safety pan installed underneath. Safety pan must have raised sides to collect any fuel spill or leaks. Generators may be refilled in a safe manor only while generators are cool to the touch. No Gasoline fuel canisters of any type may be left or stored on any dock, walkway or finger pier.
No unleashed Pets, including cats, may be allowed on the docks or any other property belonging to the association. Only leashed pets under the control of a responsible person shall be permitted. FMA has the right to deny access to any dog, dog breed, or other animal that can be a threat to other persons or animals. Any and all pet droppings shall be picked up immediately with a plastic bag and taken offsite. The pet owner will be fined up to $100 for any pet droppings found on the property that is not removed immediately.
Storm Precautions:
Boat owners unable to attend to their boats or their slips for a prolonged time shall remove all furniture, plants and objects from their boat and notify FMA of their plans before leaving. All removable items shall be removed from each boat if storm weather is threatening.
Our Hurricane Emergency Plan has several alert phases:
Condition 4:
This is automatically activated at the beginning of hurricane season on June 1st or when alert is received from a designated authority. There is no immediate danger but everyone should review hurricane plans.
Condition 3:
72 to 48 hours before Hurricane. Hurricane winds not in immediate area. Probability is high of Hurricane conditions in the coming days. All Hazardous material is to be removed from the area. Inspect and be sure all Dock boxes are securely fastened to dock, and all box lids are secured. Remove all large items such as tables, chairs, tops, etc. Make sure all items possible are covered and secured. Boat owners are responsible for the care of their own boats at all times when you leave your vessel during hurricane season. Boats and surrounding areas must be secured for hurricane status. If a boat owner cannot travel to the premises to personally attend to vessel he or she should must make arrangements for a local person to do so. FMA personnel will be busy attending to other hurricane preparation on the property.
Condition 2:
48 to 24 hours before hurricane. Hurricane watch and or probability is 20 to 25%. Boats should be completely secured to slips. Boats with outside pilings between slips can be tied to the piling to hold the boat away from the dock. Boats in slips without these pilings should be tied together with fenders in spaces between them, and then tied to the dock with enough space between boats to prevent any contact. Be sure the lines are adequate in size and number to secure the size and weight of your vessel. Be sure to use protection on your line where it rubs dock, boat, cleat, or another line to prevent a friction break. Proper size water hose works well.
Condition 1:
Danger position: Hurricane winds and or storm surge predicted within 12 hours. Hurricane warning has been issued; all areas must be secured at this time. No persons are allowed to stay on their vessel during this time. All vessels must be moved inland, or a protected safe place. No persons are allowed on the docs without permission of FMA.
All vehicles shall be parked in an FMA designated area. No trailers of any type should be parked or stored on Marina property. Boat trailers are only allowed on marina property if hooked to a tow vehicle. No campers or other vehicles designed for overnight stay are permitted in the parking area. Boats or trailers parked illegally in designated areas may be towed at the owner’s expense. Absolutely no sleeping in vehicles parked in the Marina parking area is allowed. Violators will be removed immediately. Absolutely no electricity is to be run to any vehicle of any type in or around the Marina parking facilities. No vehicle repair or oil changing is allowed on the parking lot. Any vehicle without a handicap tag parked in a handicapped parking space is subject to fine and towing at owners expense. Boat owners desiring the FMA to have access to their boat shall provide the necessary passkeys. Boat owner should indemnify FMA, board of directors and management company on all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, liabilities, including attorney fees, connected with boat owners possession and use, and arising from or connected with any guest, visitors, or others who may come on to the premises to visit boat owner’s vessel. Boat owners must carry liability insurance covering the above acts or omissions with single instance personal injury coverage of a minimum of $300,000 and property damage of a minimum of $100,000. Proof of insurance must be delivered to FMA prior to use of a unit.
Boats in Friendfield Marina must be in a seaworthy condition and able to proceed on its own power at all times should the association discover the boat is in peril. Any exceptions to this must be approved by FMA. Boat owner agrees to pay the association, as additional rental charges, all charges for labor and materials incurred or expended by the association for the boat in connection with correcting this situation. However the association has no obligation to render aid or assistance to the boat under any circumstances. All boats must stay in good appearance and must be washed periodically. Unsightly boats can face a $25.00 a day fine after written notice. No heavy maintenance to vessel shall be permitted. Any and all repairs or maintenance done on site must be approved by FMA. The board of directors and or the dock master reserve the right in their sole discretion to determine what type of maintenance and repair shall be permitted.
Boats should be kept locked at all times. Lose property should not be assessable from the docks. Each boat owner is responsible for the security of his or her boat. FMA shall be notified if any suspicious person or persons or unusual activities are observed in the vicinity of the Marina or on the property.
Service Personnel:
All persons entering the association property for sales, service, or repairs shall check in with the FMA board of directors before entry. All oil and other fluids shall be disposed of properly off the association property. All parts or other refuge shall be placed in proper receptacles off of the property. Each member shall be responsible for any and all damage or loss caused to the association property by persons entering the association property at their request.
Guest Policy:
Guests will not be admitted or allowed to use facilities without members being present unless the member has registered and agreed to all FMA policies in advance prior to arrival. Every member shall ensure his or her guests follow all rules and regulations and shall be responsible to the association for any violation. Guests invited shall not engage in any activity which would infringe upon the rights of other members or guests enjoying the use of FMA facilities.
Day Docks:
Day docks are to be used by Slip owners, Harmony Township owners and their FMA approved guests. Day Docks are not be used for extended parking. Anyone using Day Docks must present an approved marine insurance policy with the required limits listed in this agreement to FMA before arrival.
Policy for renting a slip:
The Master Deed provides for members to rent their own boat slips. No third party or agent assisted slip or membership rentals are allowed without the approval of FMA. No boat rental or short term rentals such as VRBO, Air B&B, etc. are allowed. Policies and procedures covering these slip rentals are as follows; a copy of the signed lease agreement with complete contact information of slip renter must be provided to FMA for approval prior to the start of the lease. The lessees must personally check in with FMA before arrival of the vessel at the Marina. Laminated copies of rules, regulations, and hold harmless agreement shall be available at locker facility in locker #87 and online at Friendfieldmarinasc.com. Lessees are required to abide by all rules and regulations. Members are responsible for all bills, electric usage, and all activities of their leases. Member shall provide a copy of these rules and regulations to the Lessee, receipt of which shall be noted in the lease. To help preserve the privacy of members and renters, no information is given out about either party. Any perspective buyer must be accompanied to the vessel by owner or agent of sale. Each member shall be responsible for any and all damage or loss to other members by their guests. Quiet time is from 9:00PM until 7AM. All members and their guests or contractors, should refrain from excessively loud use of radio, stereo, music players, television, or musical instruments at all times. FMA will have sole discretion in determining what activities or volume levels are unacceptable. Children shall be under the direction of their parents or guardians at all times. Everyone shall respect the rights of other persons lawfully on the premises.
Fish cleaning:
Fish cleaning is prohibited unless fish cleaning station is providing. All fish parts such as heads, backbones, etc., shall be placed in a sealed plastic bag and disposed of properly off the Marina site.
Carts are provided to members and renters as a courtesy by the association. They must be returned to parking area as soon as possible in clean condition. Please do not leave or store carts in the handicap parking areas. No gasoline, oil or other flammable liquid is to be placed into the carts. Weight limit for carts should not exceed the maximum allowed.
Dinghies or Tenders:
In addition to the primary vessel, Dinghies or tender boats may be tied in a member or owner’s boat slip only if it does not extend beyond the confines of the slip. Members or owners are not permitted to dock a guest’s or friend’s boats in any slip without first obtaining permission from the FMA management company. These additional small boats shall not be left in the Marina and allowed to collect rainwater. Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other annoying bugs. If you are unable to monitor the condition yourself, remove and clean your tender and store elsewhere or cover in a manner that water will not collect. If necessary for association management company personnel to pump out auxiliary vessel, the owner will be charged.
Unoccupied Slips:
Members or renters may not use unoccupied slips without prior approval of the Management Company and/or unoccupied slip owner unless it’s used in emergency and or short duration.
Commercial use of Slips:
Friendfield Marina Association is a private facility and does not allow any commercial use of slips unless pre-approved by the FMA in compliance with the bylaws and rules of the association. No sales or transfers of slips or membership shall be allowed except in accordance with the terms of the Master Deed restrictions, conditions of Fairfield Marina rules and regulations, and the approval of the Board of Directors. Amendment items may be added to or deleted from these rules and regulations and may be amended by a vote of the majority of the Board of Directors of the association providing they do not go against the Master Deed.
THE FOLLOWING ARE TERMS OF A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND Friendfield Marina Association and its affiliates and subsidiaries (individually and collectively, “Friendfield Marina Association” uses “FMA” “we”, “us” or “our”; and, such agreement, the “Agreement” or “Terms of Use”). These Terms of Use describe the terms and conditions that govern your use of the current and future Marina Facilities, Marina Parking lot, online and mobile websites, platforms, services and applications owned and/or operated by Friendfield Marina Association (each a “Service”; and, collectively, the “Services”), including, without limitation, the websites located at www.friendmarinasc.com. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING ANY OF THE SERVICES, AS THESE TERMS OF USE AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WAIVERS OF RIGHTS, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, AND YOUR INDEMNIFICATION OF US. For information on how Friendfield Marina Association collects, uses and shares any personal information, please see our Privacy Statement.
Friendfield Marina's Master Deed and Rules and Restrictions Govern the Marina:
These can be accessed on our web site www.harmonytownshiphoa.com , www.Friendfieldmarinasc.com or www.georgetowndeeds.com listed under Spanish Moss Development. Deed book 34 page 235 to book 34 page 308 and Deed Book: RB 4609 Page: 210-218.
FMA reserves the right to suspend use, fine and or foreclose on boat slips for violations of the Master Deed and or FMA Rules and regulations.
FMA Members
Lee Haun President
Georgetown, SC
Kevin Ballinger Vice President
Georgetown, SC
Peter Stevens
Georgetown, SC
Mike Osborne
Georgetown, SC
Scott Ferguson
Pawleys Island, SC